Sunday, October 4, 2009

Wee Witches weekend at Gardner Village

Saturday Ian and I went with Keni and her girls and her niece, Emily, to Gardner Village for Wee Witches weekend since Witches Night Out is now women only and 18 years and older. We did "Ride to a Witch" and we all got to go on a hay ride to the Witches' house. It was an old train car that they made up to look like a home. The witch showing us around was Mildew Rose and she was a hoot. She scared the kids and made them jump a couple times. It was enough that Ian then held onto me for dear life for the remainder of the tour. She showed us a potion to grow toenails for a delicious stew; lizard tongues, chicken eyeballs, pickled pigs feet, as well as armpit hair from a dragon (quite a rare and valuable potion ingredient). Then Keni ended up stepping on a cockroach that Cami was volunteered to bury it out in the little graveyard. She wasn't scared ;) The kids got the Witches' autographs and pictures taken with the 4 we ran into.
Then the girls got their hair colored and their costumes glitter-fied. They were very excited. Cami is now a Sparkly Panda Bear! And Ian, as a clone trooper, was also referred to as a Storm Trooper and a Jedi of which he quickly let them know he was neither of those. He did go around shooting the witches but none were harmed ;) We tried to get the kids on stage to dance and show up one little girl that thought she was all that and a bag of chips. She even ended the dance with two #1's in the air. Ali totally could have taken her but she was feeling shy ;)
We ended the night at Simply Sushi for all you can eat. Of course, we had to stop and get this kids McDonald's on the way. Keni, Emily, and I ate our weight (and then some) in sushi and spicy upside down shrimp. It was a wonderful end to a fun-filled evening. Let the haunting begin!!

My 99 year old Grandma was in town a few days ago from Idaho and we found out last minute, so we decided to do lunch. It was on Wednesday, Sept. 30th, which is my cousin's birthday. So we all met at Chili's and, seriously, it was the best lunch ever! Not because of the food but the company and my Grandma's comments. She is such a sweet old lady but has some pretty funnily wicked comments. Mandy let Grandma know that she got engaged and, bless her heart, Grandma's comment was "What'd you go and do that for?". Hahahaha, so funny. Then we let Grandma know that it was Mandy's birthday...about 20 times. "Who's birthday is it?" "It's Mandy's" "Oh"

15 minutes later: "Who's birthday is it?" hahaha

But it was extremely touching to see Grandma give Mandy a turquoise ring of hers for her birthday. So now she has something blue for her wedding. I think we all almost started crying since us Hadley women are weepers ;)

Then when we were nearly done with lunch Grandma asked again "Who's getting married?" And Mandy let her know again, "I am. In June." And Grams in her tone again said "Shame on you". LOL, so funny. Bless her heart!

This is the same Grandma that said to me when she was holding my newborn son; "What's his name again?" "Ian" and she humbly replied "Bleh! Hate that name". Not once but twice! It is all good though. We love her too much to get offended. I mean she has lived 99 years, she can say whatever she wants!!!

Rollin, rollin, rollin...

A couple weeks ago, Ian and I decided to go for a walk down to Sugarhouse park. It was a beautiful, sunny day. We walked down to Chevron and got ourselves some snacks and then headed back over to the park. After enjoying some chocolate milk and a kit kat, Ian decided to roll down the hill...many, many times. He had an absolute blast and got pretty dizzy. It was a great day!