Saturday, September 11, 2010

Fall is here

It's September and school has begun. Ian is back at Indian Hills Elementary after a little finagling (sp?) and he couldn't be happier. Charles and I couldn't be happier as well. His class is just perfect for him and is the first that is specialized enough that Ian gets the help and attention he needs to learn and grow. Love the SL school district! ;) Ian has his best friend, Christopher, in his class and they get to hang out and do play dates on most weekends. Ian is so happy at this school that we can just pull up to the front doors and he gets out of the car with a little "Bye Mom, bye Dad" and runs inside to meet his friends. He even has a few friends yelling good bye to him as Charles picks him up. It's finally not a fight to get him to go to school. What a relief for us all :)

We sold our truck and are down to a one-car family. I don't mind too much. We are coming into winter and everyone knows how much I DON'T drive in the snow ;) Now I have a ride every day! Although I will be getting to work later than I'd like, I will take it.

Fall also means Nascar. The sounds of car engines racing around and around are all that is heard at the Fallon residence Saturday and Sunday. This also includes Ian getting out his Nascar cars and lining them up in a big circle and having them race. He is quite good at the sound effects as well :) During this time, I am usually found on FB or my phone or doing word searches (I became addicted to these during my cancer treatment). Here's to hoping for a beautiful long fall and a short winter! (I know, I know...wishful thinking! A girl can dream though!)