Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The first month of photos

First outing to the Doctor and Target - 8/18/2012

Hand-knitted beanie from my friend, Jeff

Sleeping off the trauma of the Circumsition - 8/29/2012

So content after being fed

Ian loves his brother very much

Just laying here...thinkin...

First bath - But only got a picture of him when it was all done :)

Precious little feet

Sleeping with brother

1 month old! - 9/14/2012

First smile! - 9/14/2012

Our little jaundice baby soaking in the Vitamin D. It worked too! 

Owen Everett Fallon is here! 8/14/2012

We got to the hospital at 7:00 am on Tuesday, August 14th. I was checked in and induced for labor. Labor started fairly quickly after I was given the Pitocin. My water actually broke at a little after noon. That never happened with Ian. They broke it after I had already had my epidural. Boy what a weird feeling that is! I was continuously checked by my nurse and was actually given oxygen because Owen's heart rate kept slowing. At a little bit after 5:30 pm, my doctor came in to check me and got an odd look on his face. He brought in the ultrasound machine and took a look and found out that Owen was in the breech position. I had a feeling he had been that way for quite a while but never actually said anything except "Are you sure?" when I would be told he was head down. Lesson learned is to ALWAYS trust your instincts. Ironically, Ian and Charles had just left about 30 minutes before to go home and get some dinner and a break from being at the hospital all day long. Now I was in need of an emergency C-Section so I had my mom calling Charles in a panic. Thankfully they waited until they got back to the hospital to take me to the O.R. Charles got dressed in his scrubs and cute little OR cap and they wheeled me into the O.R. My epidural was starting to wear off so they ended up numbing me from the neck down. It was horrible, to put it lightly. My diaphragm was numb so I couldn't feel myself breathing which threw me into a massive panic attack. They also had propped my head up (so I wouldn't choke is my only guess as to why) and placed an oxygen mask over my mouth and nose. I have never been claustrophobic but this was all a bit too much in the state I was in to have all that and my face right up to the curtain. Poor Charles was almost just as panicked. It was only a half hour until little Owen was born and when we heard his cries, I immediately started crying too. I was so happy to get to finally meet my precious baby. Charles was offered to come and see him but he wouldn't leave my side and said he would wait until I could see him as well. He is such a wonderful man. It was amazing to have my baby here and to see and hold him. Although I couldn't feel him that first night (my arms were so numb), we still bonded. It was hell getting him here but. oh so worth it! He is just an amazingly adorable and good little boy. Big Brother Ian has never had a smile so big. He never wanted to leave the hospital but I was only allowed one guest, so he stayed as late as he could. We are all so happy to have Owen with us. Our family is complete :)

Owen Everett Fallon
August 14, 2012
7:02 pm
7 lbs 11 oz
19.5 inches long